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Though it seems the worst of the pandemic is behind us, for many families, the struggle against hunger persists.

This Sunday TASK will again partner with Rise to host another massive drive-thru food distribution. TASK and Rise – a social service agency that serves Hightstown and East Windsor – expect to serve about 1,500 families.
“This will be our 11th drive-thru, and we are delighted to partner with TASK in order to reach more families.” shared Rise Executive Director Leslie Koppel.
Both collaborators partnered last fall for a similar event in Hightstown. Then, TASK supplied 65,000 pounds of food which was delivered to more than 1,200 local families, first come, first served. This weekend, TASK plans to provide nearly 100,000 pounds of fresh groceries to about 1,500 families who will receive milk and juice; fish and poultry; paper towels; and a variety of other produce.
“Soup kitchens, food pantries, food banks – we’re all seeing the same things,” said TASK Executive Director Joyce E. Campbell. “While things are tough in the cities, the suburbs and rural communities are also struggling. TASK wants to further its mission and help those people, too.”
Held in East Windsor, the event will follow state guidelines for social distancing. Families will remain in their vehicles to drive through the contactless distribution line and collect their food. Attending families will drive off from the parking lot of Modway Furniture outlet with at least 60 pounds of groceries.